Chem4D Database manages databases of molecular structures, graphics
and information associated with the data. It helps you to search and
reuse graphics you have created.
Chem4D Graph module that creates multi-line graphs
of different styles. It supports non-linear and linear curve fitting,
response curve fitting and data analysis
The program allows you to create high-quality structures
simply by entering molecular names. It assigns systematic names to structures.
It includes a full set of tools for drawing, text and structure editing,
and labeling.
Features include:
interactive 3-D rotation
syntax checking
hot-key labeling
multi-step undo
and creating structure templates with user-defined
trivial names.
Next-generation Drawing Program:
Advanced Drawing Tools, Easy to Use!
Chem4D Database Organizes structures and graphics
Nomenclator Assigns IUPAC Names to Structures
NamExpert Interprets Chemical Names
NEW Chem4D Graph creates multi-line graphs of different