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Molecular Graphics DatabaseChem4D Database

Chem4D Database is a module that manages databases of molecular structures, graphics and information associated with the data. It helps you to search and reuse structures and graphics you have created. Chem4D Database is available as a module in Chemistry 4-D Draw Office.

Features and Benefits

  • Organize structures and graphics in a single database file
  • Store different types of information:Molecular structures
  • Graphics (reaction schemes, flow-charts, etc)
  • Chemistry 4-D Draw Documents (multiple pages)
  • Store notes, key words or any textual and numerical information with each structure or picture.
  • Search database by different methods:
  • Molecular name matching
  • Substructure matching
  • Text or number matching
  • View and print databases in spreadsheet format
  • Sort data by names, date, text, or numerical data
  • Structures and graphics in databases are fully editable and reusable