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ChemSite ™ is a 3D molecular modeling program that allows you to model, animate, render and export 3D molecular graphics for visualization and publication. You can easily build all types of organic molecules, from small molecules, to proteins and DNAs.

Interactive 3D modeling and real-time animation lets you use molecular building blocks or atom-by-atom construction to visualize even the most complex structures -- whether protein, DNA, organic or inorganic -- as fully-realized, space-filling entities. You can even create and playback movies of molecular dynamics simulations.

Create stunning presentations with photo-realistic rendering tools such as Bezier curves, Ray-tracing, Phong shading and texture-mapped atom symbols... and a single mouse-click exports ChemSite images to any other Windows application.

Powerful analysis features include tools and techniques formerly found only on workstation-level modelers. Full support for stereo chemistry, for instance, with dashes and wedges around chiral centers and auto-determination of R and S stereo centers is a part of the ChemSite package. Plus measurement tools ranging from inter-atomic distance to molecular weight and energy calculation, and more.

Best of all, ChemSite's robust features and powerful functionality are now available at a fraction of the cost of comparably-featured software packages and you don't need a workstation to run it.

Modeling Features
Molecular models may be constructed in a variety of ways. A sketching tool is provided with automatic 2D to 3D conversion for easy building of inorganic and organic molecules. Organic molecules may be built from common organic functional groups and fragments. Peptides and proteins may be built with both D and L amino acids. Single and double stranded DNA/RNA polynucleotides may be constructed with ease.

Visualization Features
Models may be viewed as stick figures, balls and sticks, CPK or with polymers as ribbons or extrusions. With stick figures, molecular models may be rotated in real time with the mouse. The program features ray tracing and texture mapping for the utmost in molecular graphics realism. Rendering styles may be mixed as desired. With high resolution displays, photo realistic display of molecular models are easily created. Images may be printed, saved as .BMP or TARGA files, or exported through the clipboard to word processors and desktop publishing programs. ChemSite brings state of the art workstation quality graphics capabilities to the pc.

Molecular Mechanics Features
ChemSite performs energy minimization and molecular dynamics simulation. Available force fields include Amber, mm2 and the ChemSite's default cm+ force field for accurate calculations with almost any molecule. The program performs real time animation of energy minimization and molecular dynamics simulation with small to medium size molecules. With large molecules such as proteins, movies of molecular dynamics simulations may be recorded to disk and played back for real time animation.

Supported File Formats
ChemSite reads and writes the following file formats:
ChemSite library (.lib)
ChemSite system (.syc)
Brookhaven Protein databank (.ent and .pdb)
MDL mol file (.mol)
Mopac Z-matrix (.zmt, .mop)
Connectivity table (.ct)
Cartesion A (.cta)

Your ChemSite package includes:
Single user license and software package
Comprehensive illustrated instruction manual
Extensive library of organic & biological molecules

System requirements:
386/25 or better (math co-processor recommended for 386, but not required), 2MB hard disk space, 4 MB RAM minimum, Windows 3.1 x or higher, with mouse

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